Texture Coordinates

Pushing the limits with new features on SEGA Saturn!


New texture mapping possibilities for SEGA Saturn.

The SEGA Saturn cannot change texture coordinates in game by hardware. This means that textures are pre-mapped and cannot change (except very few and very limited programming tricks, not worth mentioning) which is required for some of todays lightning effects.

So I started to implement the generation of a texture from a big source texture using texture coordinates and expanded it to a full featured real-time texture mapping support library. Four demos were released and from the 3rd on it is really.....ahm.....really worth to look at, I think. This image is from the very first demo and explains best how textures are resampled:

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For each demo, it's strongly recommended to READ THE INCLUDED README.TXT FOR CONTROLS before playing. Because the demo is all about using the control pad smartly. You can do a lot with it if you know how. It is no auto-demo.

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